Monday 22 September 2014

Tool worship (or 'Scientism and the pretentious abuse of science')

Who would be so utterly stagnant in their views, so totally lazy, monistic, or myopic that they would worship their favourite TOOL?
Yeah, you read that right... A TOOL.
Who would - no matter how much the hammer, screwdriver, or electronic gadget is endeared to them-  could literally WORSHIP and put all their faith in that tool?
Hang on, not done yet!
They have to LOVE and worship that tool so much that they began to hate and deride the other tools in the box?
A nutter you say? An idiot? Sure. Some very well educated and respected lunatics and...well...let's just say 'insulated' academic people with big names and book deals.
Welcome to the world of scientistic though.
No, NOT scientific though - scientiSTIC though.
Sound familiar? It should. It's all around you.

In the scientistic world  view there is only one way of knowing anything that is worth knowing: The Baconian (scientific) method. It is very, simply put,  the attitude that if f it cannot be known by these empirical methods then the information or idea is 'fantasy' or simply impossible to know or not worth knowing or understanding. Scientism is the position that all other methods of inquiry are obsolete or inferior to science.
That list of 'never minds' includes history, philosophy (which, of course, INCLUDES both science and theology), and the other humanities.
It is not that the adherent of scientism denies these methods and means of inquiry exist, at all - it is  that they reject the value of them.
Their FAITH  is only in the all seeing 'science' of scientism .
As such, Science has transcended from being a methodology used by human beings to categorize the things about them and explain mechanism - to instead become a kind oracular, abstract agency. A kind of walk away, semi deistic, pagan god of convenience. 'Science' (the divine) is granted (by the scientistic person) a will, a purpose, a desire, and even an ethic or a kind primitive, selfish, subjective morality. This super-ethic usually very comfortably dovetails with the personal desires and curiosities of the scientistic person describing them. In other words: The adherents of scientism have created an idol to worship from a tool they feel comfortable using.
That would be crazy and strange enough. If we could just detect some pluralism in the creed of these post modern cargo cultists...but we do not.
Like some Mujaheddin of the 12th or 21st century. these zealots of 'the method' wage war on the other tools. Theirs MUST be the only method  of inquiry, and the heretics who think differently must be purged from the public square. The 'competition', whether that is found in philosophy, religion, or even - and more and more frequently - history, must be silenced.
So where do we find these people? On the best seller lists. On your TV, spewing their post scientific nihilism. Teaching your children 'science' in 'schools'.
They are the atheists who believe in God enough to hate Him.
They are the transhumanists who think they can design a better heaven (and hell!) than the Creator.
They are the biologists trying to rewrite history in favour of eugenicists and racial theorists.
They are the particle physicists with the astounding gall to be claiming 'philosophy is dead' as a central premise for their own philosophical works!
They are the ones suggesting that scientism does not even exist - even as they promote it!
They are the defenders of the new faith, of the religion of 'me'; of the Utopian dreams of the technocratic elites.
They are the ones straw-manning about religions, as 'God(s) of the gaps' .
They are the ones who offer the eternal blessings of promissory materialism - 'one day science will _____'.
They are the pretentious guardians of some unborn tyranny or social madness.
They are the regent priests and midwives of Scientistic totalitarianism.
They are trapped in a metaphysical cage of their own design bringing forth a movement to expand that cage to all who are unfortunate or superficial enough to become ensnared.
Pray for them, and be weary of them.

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